
Home Speakers

Welcome Speakers

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S.

Vice Chancellor for Academics and Student Affairs, Universitas Sebelas Maret


He is a Vice Chancellor for Academics and Student Affairs, Universitas Sebelas Maret .

Keynote Speakers

Assoc. Prof. Naoki Fukuta

College of Informatics, Academic Institute

Shizuoka University, Japan


He received B.E. and M.E. from Nagoya Institute of Technology in 1997 and 1999 respectively. He received Doctor of Engineering from Nagoya Institute of Technology in 2002. Since Apr. 2002, He has been working as a research associate at Shizuoka University. Since Apr.2007, He has been working as an assistant professor. Since Apr. 2015, he has been working as an associate professor.

His main research interests include Multi-agent Systems, Mobile Agents, E-commerce, Applications on Auction Mechanisms, SemanticWeb, Konwledge-based Software Engineering, Logic Programming, and WWW-based Intelligent Agent Systems.

He is a member of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), IEEE-CS(IEEE Computer Society), JSAI (Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence), IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan), IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers), JSSST (Japan Society of Software Science and Technology), and ISSJ(Information Systems Society of Japan).

Assoc. Prof. Wei-Cheng Wang

  Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,

National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan


Assooc. Prof. Wei-Cheng Wang, P.Hd currently works at the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University. Wei-Cheng does research in Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering and Aerospace Engineering. He got doctoral tittle from North California State University at 2011. He is active doing research with interested related topic, such as: Energy Conversion and System Integration, Experimental Fluid Dynamics, Process Evaluation, Renewable Fuels and Combustion, and Wind Power System Design. This person’s work contributes towards the SDG(s) no.7 to built affordable and clean energy. He is very talented person with wide experience, like:

• 2006 ~ 2007 Research Assistant, Energy Research Center, Lehigh University
• 2007 ~ 2008 Teaching Assitant, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University
• 2008 ~ 2011 Research Assistant, Applied Energy Research Laboratory, North Carolina State University
• 2011 ~ 2012 Research Associate, Ovation Biotech Inc.
• 2012 ~ 2014 Researcher II, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US Department of Energy
• 2012/03 ~ 2012/09 Research Scholar, North Carolina State University
• 2014 ~ present Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University


Assoc. Prof. Nik Thompson

Discipline of Business Information Systems,

School of Management and Marketing
Curtin University, Australia


He is an Associate Professor and the Discipline Lead of Business Information Systems in Curtin Business School. Prior to Curtin he has held roles in industry as a Systems Consultant in the resources sector and in academia as a Chair of Information Security. His research and teaching converge in the area of Information Security. While his teaching is management and operations focussed, his research also considers the security of everyday computer users when interacting with a range of technologies and media.

As a Computer Scientist, his early work was technically focussed. He has developed and researched robotics, IoT, sensor network applications and created new equipment using medical technologies for psycho-physiological research. Through this, he gained an appreciation that people are the most crucial element for technology to be useful and to succeed. Since then, his work has been in the Human-Computer Interaction domain exploring the psychological, cognitive and affective aspects of computer use.

His research approach is quantitative, involving measures of human behaviours and perceptions to empirically determine the best ways to support every day individuals in a society where technology is ubiquitous. He has successfully applied these skills in many studies including smartphone and home computer security, privacy and surveillance, gender differences, information seeking and social media, publishing these findings in top-tier journals and conferences. These research projects share a common theme of understanding every day computer users needs to be able to empower them to have more effective, enjoyable and secure interactions with technology

Heri Prasetyo, S.Kom, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D.

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Sebelas Maret Uiversity, Indonesia


He is a lecturer at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University (UNS). He received M.Sc.Eng in Electronic and Computer Engineering from National Taiwan University and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. His research focus is on digital image processing.