
Home Parallel Session

Parallel Session

The parallel session will be held on August 23th, 2022 Live via the Zoom Meeting application.

Please check your presentation schedule here.

Rundown Parallel Sessions

Time (Western Indonesian Time)ActivitiesPerson in Charge
“Driving Digital Transformations Toward Society 5.0 through Smart Technology and Artificial Intelligence”
Albertus Agung Yuwono, S.S., M.Hum.
Conference Report
Conference Chair : Hartatik, S.Si, M.Si
Opening Remark
Dean of Vocational School, UNS : Santoso Tri Hananto, Drs., M.Si., Ak.
09.30-10.30KEYNOTE SPEAKER :
Heri Prasetyo, S.Kom, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia )

"Smart Technology on Content-Based Batik Image Retrieval Toward Society 5.0"
Moderator : Agus Dwi Priyanto, S.S.,M.CALL
Qn A Session
10.30-12.00Paper Presentation
Zoom Breakout Rooms
13.00-15.00Paper Presentation
Zoom Breakout Rooms


Information for Presenter

Each paper accepted to APICS 2022 must be presented by the registered co-author during the online conference. Each paper will be given 15 – 20 minutes (10 minutes for presentation + 5-10 minutes for Q&A). The video conferencing platform chosen by APICS 2022 is Zoom. It is preferred that presentations are given live in the virtual conference room. If the presenter’s Internet connection quality is not sufficiently good to run a live presentation, a pre-recorded video of the talk must be played, please read our guide below to prepare the video. Please connect to your session room in Zoom at least five minutes before the start of the session. Once in the virtual room, the session host will change your role from “participant” to “co-host”, so that you will be able to activate your microphone and camera when it’s your turn to present. Please keep your microphone muted whenever other speakers are presenting or a video presentation is being played. In any case, the speaker is required to participate live in the Q&A session to be held immediately after the presentation. Questions from the audience will be asked through the Zoom Q&A Chat and will be read out by the session chair. Speakers are also required to upload a pre-recorded video of their paper presentation. These are requirements for accepted papers to be submitted to IEEE Xplore.

Presentation Video Terms

1. Presentation slides or audio must be in English
2. Required to display faces on presentation slides


3. Maximum video duration  10 minutes
4. Format File: File MPEG-4 (.mp4)
5. Video size: HD (1280 x 720 setting or other “720p” settings)
6. Audio quality: double check your file before sending it to make sure the audio is clear and audible!
7. Send the file to uns.id/PresentationVideoAPICS2022